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Canadian teens are consuming way less weed since legalization

When marijuana was legalized in October 2018, critics wondered, Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children??? Well, the children are fine. The teens, anyway. According to a study led by St. Thomas University criminology professor Michael Boudreau, Canadian teens are smoking considerably less marijuana these days. Before legalization, 20% of

Encouraging Vulnerability One Yoga Class at a Time: Ally Maz

I met Alex Mazerolle (who commonly goes by Ally Maz) on the sunny, sandy beaches of Playa Maderas, Nicaragua in 2016. We shared anecdotes and bonded over the things that make life so interesting. I was particularly struck by Ally’s passion-led career, and her relentless vision and goal to empower

Why We’re Okay With Teens Doing the #CondomChallenge

The Condom Challenge is the latest and greatest viral craze to hit the Internet. In case it has yet to hit your Twitter or Instagram newsfeeds, the trend involves filling condoms with water and literally dropping them on your friend’s head and hoping it doesn’t burst. And, if you’re in

“Stretched-Earlobe Regret” is Fuelling Canada’s Cosmetic Surgery Industry

Teens: rarely shining examples of exemplary decision-making. Few things prove this notion more than stretched-earlobe regret (SER), a term that’s recently become a thing to identify the growing number of Millennials with droopy earlobes struggling to navigate the world of employment and a society that moved on from the fad a decade ago. Cosmetic