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Tinder Update Makes the Dating App Better for Young Professionals

Though it will likely remain irrelevant for those who use Tinder solely as a hook-up tool, the dating app just released a new update that lets users add more information to their profiles. Tinder will also now feature a snippet of text below the picture of potential matches that reference things

Photographers Depict Phones Sucking the Soul From Viewers

What if “soul-sucking” wasn’t just a euphemism? Like, what if the incorporeal fibre of our being was actually, physically extracted from our bodies every time we did something completely devoid of substance? How would that look? Probably something like this. Two photographers, Max Cavallari and Antoine Geiger, have launched separate projects that seek to show

Facebook Plans to “Effectively Build a Teleporter” by 2025

If you’re bored with Facebook as of late, you may still want to hold off on deleting your account. According to Business Insider, Facebook’s chief technical officer, Mike Schroepfer, said the company plans to “effectively build a teleporter” by 2025. (What. The. Hell.) While it’s (sadly) not a “teleporter” in the

Instagram Just Added a Brand New Video Option

If this isn’t the addition your Instagram feed needs right now, it’s the one it deserves. In a social media universe that is growing ever smaller and shorter (think: Twitter count, Vine limit), Instagram has just granted our generation – and its famously short attention span – the kind of video it