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Tatiana Cinquino: notre jeune professionnelle du jour

La personnalité vibrante et les techniques de stylisme créatives de Tatiana ont su la propulser sur l’avant-scène de la mode montréalaise. Dès sa sortie du Collège LaSalle en design de mode, elle devint designer pour Rudsak et ses compagnies affiliées. Non seulement a-t-elle partagée sa créativité et son expertise uniques avec l’entreprise, mais elle est devenue

Tatiana Cinquino: Today’s Notable Young Professional

Tatiana’s vibrant personality and imaginative styling techniques have propelled her to the forefront of the Montreal fashion scene. Directly after graduating from Lasalle College in Fashion Design, she became a designer for Rudsak and their affiliate companies. Not only did she lend her creativity and unique craftsmanship to the company, she became an essential part of the team for three years, an experience that has led to her own personal styling service