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Les restos pour take out les plus notables en ville !

Trop occupé pour cuisiner? Ou purement paresseux? Peu importe, ce n’est pas un secret d’affirmer qu’un peu des deux nous fait souvent dire : « Bordel, mais qu’est-ce que je vais encore manger ce soir? ». Cessez donc de regarder dans un frigo vide ou de vous empiffrer de camelote! Vous avez de délicieuses options

Montreal’s Most Notable Spots for Take Out

Too busy to cook? Or maybe just lazy? Either way, it’s no secret that a little bit of both of these things have us asking, “What the hell am I eating tonight?” Don’t look through an empty fridge or shove your mouth full with unimpressive junk. You have delicious options

Dumplings With Style: Chinoiseries

Who would ever think that dumplings could be chic? Welcome newcomer Chinoiseries & Dumplings, a new dumpling eatery that set up shop in Montreal’s Le Plateau neighbourhood. The concept is centered around a new world/old school dumpling recipe made from the highest quality local produce. You can look at it as Chinese classics with a twist.