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Here’s how the coronavirus has affected Canadians’ trust in people

Pandemics have the power to change our relationship with the world and all its moving parts. That includes everything from our lovers to our door handles. Indeed, COVID-19 is hitting us where it hurts: our trust. In early May, the Proof Strategies CanTrust Index sought to find out how Canadians’

Survey Finds the Only Thing Canadians Are Known for Worldwide is Dying

Ask anyone anywhere what they think of Canadians and the answer that invariably returns is that we are polite. Being polite is the backbone of our nation. It is the reason why we sew Canadian flags onto our backpacks when we travel. It’s what gets us through the winter. It

People Are Having Fewer Children Because They’re Too Damn Expensive

Biology dictates we were put on this planet to reproduce. It also dictates, in combination with a little thing called reality, that we need enough money to buy food to survive. These two forces – biological purpose and economic livelihood – are increasingly at odds, as evidenced most glaringly by

Poll: Half of Canadians Don’t Believe in Marriage Anymore

Wedding planners, beware: your career could get a little more challenging in the near future. According to a recent poll by Angus Reid, less than half (47 per cent) of Canadians believe legal marriage is important for couples who want to spend the rest of their lives together. Predictably, support

Statistics Canada Wants to Know How Much You Pay for Your Weed

Canadians are notoriously enthusiastic about answering questions from the government. So you can bet that Statistics Canada’s most recent questionnaire – ‘Cannabis prices in Canada‘ – will yield a high response rate. (Sorry, had to). The survey starts with a simple call to action: Statistics Canada needs your help collecting