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Survey: There is No Gender Pay Gap in the Tech Industry

Just when I couldn’t handle another headline highlighting the rampant gender inequality in the workplace, there’s some good news when it comes to the matter. A new survey has found that women are receiving equal pay for equal positions, education, and experience in the tech industry. Imagine that. According to job

50 Shades: Scientists Discover Gene Linked to Grey Hair

Odds are you know a handful of people who had more than one or two grey hairs before the age of 30. Though grey hair is getting a better rep than it once had thanks to the widespread embrace and even sexualizing of grey hair in recent decades (in everyone

Stop Believing That Opposites Attract: Study Finds We Prefer Like-Minded People

Okay, so you like rom-coms and he likes stoner comedies. Things will definitely work out between you because opposites attract, right? Well, you’re fighting the odds according to researchers at Wellesley College and the University of Kansas. Their research upends the idea that “opposites attract,” instead suggesting we’re more drawn to people who