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Up to 2 million Canadians at risk of pandemic-induced traumatic stress

From the very beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, it was clear that COVID-19 would impact more than just our physical health. With normal life on standby, many people are also suffering from a decline in mental well-being. According to Health Canada, around a third of Canadians may experience high levels

Yes, Being Outdoors Can Make You a Better, Happier Employee

Have you ever found yourself staring listlessly out the window when you’re bored or stuck on a problem? How about those times you need to “take a walk” around your building after a big chat with a client or boss? It likely comes as no surprise that humans have a

Anger Rooms for People to Lash Out and Smash Stuff Are Becoming a Thing

Sometimes there’s no better stress relief than to turn oneself into a raging force of destruction. The only problem is that the consequences of your outburst often incur more stress than whatever it was that drove you to burn your significant other’s closet or clog the sinks at work and

This is the Most Calming Song to Listen to When Dealing With Stress and Anxiety

Is it just me, or is every breathing young professional stressed AF at the moment? While life can get crazy with super-tight deadlines and competing commitments, by a certain point, most people adopt their own techniques to deal with stress and anxiety. Of course, stress management techniques can range from