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Growing In The Light: Nicole Wolff on Building a Cannabis Brand

I’m always in awe of people with cool jobs, doing awesome things in unconventional industries, disrupting what as a society we know to be commonplace. I’m even more fascinated by the journeys it took them to get there. One such person who is doing remarkable things within her industry is

Are you looking to follow your passion?

It’s Small Business Month in Canada, and to celebrate GoDaddy is hosting its Life Fulfilling Ventures Contest for the second year in a row to help one lucky entrepreneur grow their venture online. Joshua Fry, Founder of Thera Paws and winner of GoDaddy’s Life Fulfilling Ventures contest last year. GoDaddy

4 Tools to Help You Finally Start Your Own Business

“I know what I want to do, but I don’t know how to get there.” Hands up if that sounds like you. We can’t see you, but we’re sure there are a lot of you out there who can identify with this statement. For many millennials, being an entrepreneur is

You Can Get Your Work (and Hair) Done at This New Modern-Day Women’s Club

There’s something distinctively comforting about the estrogen-dominated space of ladies’ nights and girls’ trips. Realizing how underrated ladies’ nights are, 29-year-old Audrey Gelman – a New York City-based entrepreneur – launched a modern day women’s club called The Wing. Offering yearly and monthly memberships, The Wing is a female-focused space