Spring Footwear

La chaussure qui dit “dynamisme” dans une entrevue d’embauche

La chaussure qui dit “dynamisme” dans une entrevue d’embauche

Les jeunes professionnels (JPs) à travers le pays savent combien la recherche d’emploi peut être difficile et compétitive. Comme on dit, la recherche d’un premier emploi ou d’un emploi postuniversitaire à temps plein est elle-même un boulot à temps plein....
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The Shoe That Says ‘Dynamic’ at a Job Interview

Shoes can reveal a great deal about a person and potential job candidate. Someone with well-maintained, stylish and interesting shoes just may stand a better chance of being remembered. ALDO has just the shoe for that job interview this spring for the young professional lady and gentleman alike
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Is Your Footwear Fun Enough for a First Date?

Typically, there is nothing natural about a first date. Let’s be honest, whether they mean to or not, the other person assesses you in everything from your table manners to your hair and shoes. And you do the same. Shoes are important on a date, after all, because they can reveal a lot about the telling personality traits of your potential new love interest
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