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Danielle McCarron on Getting Unstuck When You’re in a Rut

I recently moved back to Toronto after living in Asia for a year. I travelled, worked, did my Master’s degree in Health Coaching and wrote a book. To say I was living an inspired life would be a gross understatement. I was so excited to come home – to see

Questions to Consider Before Embarking on a Meditation Retreat

It seems as though everybody and their mother is talking about meditation right now, operative word being talking. Including every successful entrepreneur, CEOs of enterprise businesses and of course all the yogis. Self-help extraordinaires consistently include meditation in their list of ingredients to becoming “successful”. It’s become quite the popular

9 Reasons to Love Therapy

There used to be such an unflattering stigma attached to therapy that it could be embarrassing to admit that you were in it. And that stigma unfortunately kept people from helping themselves get better for far too long. Happily, in recent conversations with young professionals, we’ve discovered that many have visited a therapist in the past or are doing so right now