
What Colour is This Dress? No, Really, We Have No Idea...

What Colour is This Dress? No, Really, We Have No Idea...

Yesterday, Tumblr user swiked posted a picture of her dress frantically asking her followers what colour it was. Turns out she was at odds with her friends as they went full white girl trying to figure out the colour. Was it...
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Ivy League Researchers Just Found the Best Place to Hide During a Zombie Apocalypse

Look, we know it's coming, you know it's coming, and even Ivy League grad students know it's coming. So when the zombie apocalypse arrives you should probably know the best place to hide
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Science Says You Should Always Choose the Window Seat

It turns out the window seat should always be your favourite. When you live in Canada in the winter chances are you're not getting a ton of quality outdoor time, which means you need to find your natural light in other ways
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The Best Thing to Feed Kids with Peanut Allergies is...More Peanuts?

Yes, we know, it goes against everything you might think. But it turns out that introducing peanuts to infants with a high risk of allergy is the best way to ensure they never have one. Science is cool
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Science Discovers the Most Trustworthy Type of Face

The last thing most people want to be considered is "average." Something most people love to be considered, on the other hand, is "trustworthy." Well, a new study has linked the two in (perhaps) a redeeming way
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3 to 5 Coffees a Day Might Be Good For You, Says Best Study Ever

We would never lie to you about something like this; a US Government Advisory Committee just released a report that says a daily dose of coffee might be part of a heathy diet. We’re inclined to just ignore that whole “might” part
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Science Reveals the Sexiest Amount of Facial Hair a Man Can Have

There’s a reason (or two) so many ladies are hoping the facial hair trend is here to stay – and now they have science on their side. Apparently, there are varying degrees of sexiness when it comes to the type of facial hair a man is sporting, but one stubbles above the rest
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9 First Impressions People Make Backed by Science

Everyone from your parents to teachers, friends and first boss have preached the significance of first impressions since you first entered grade school. But while you may have dismissed their advice as mere opinion, it's a little harder to argue with science
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Rush Lane & Co: Science Hits Queen West in the Best Possible Way

Queen W. just got magical. Okay, so it’s more science than magic. But to the casual drinker – and even more casual science student – it might as well be slight of hand that’s delivering the unique experience
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The Hangover House Call

We get it. We live like you, and thus, we suffer like you. Which means we agree that hangovers are the worst way to start a day, week, month, or new relationship. But what if there was a readily available remedy that was actually for real?
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