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This school turned green energy into higher teacher salaries

A school in Arkansas has managed to simultaneously tackle two pressing issues: low teacher pay and global warming. For years, Batesville High School struggled to make ends meet. Part of the problem was shelling out $600,000 annually for utilities. As a result, the school struggled to maintain competitive wages. Many

7 Tips For Single Parents Getting Through College or University

Last summer, it had been over a year since I was in school. I had just come off of my one-year maternity leave, I was back at a part-time job that wasn’t fulfilling for me in the slightest and I was now a single mother to a one-year-old depending on

Ontario students will finally learn coding and personal finance in school

There’s an old adage every student knows that goes something like, “when will I ever use any of this?” Whether it be learning about the formation of plateaus or symbolism in Wuthering Heights, some things will truly never matter. This is made all the much worse later in life when

Saskatchewan school accused of turning students into “little Gretas”

A public school in Saskatchewan has committed the ultimate sin: advocating for the well-being of the environment. The pro-earth propaganda was disseminated during a Christmas concert that featured a show called “Santa Goes Green.” The show was put on by students who sang a Christmas carol that features eco-friendly lyrics

5 Graduate Certificates You Can Take Now To Level Up Your Career

According to Statistics Canada, over 56% of Canadians have either college or university degrees. We Canadians are not messing around when it comes to education. In fact, we have a reputation for being one of the most educated countries in the world. It’s pretty impressive, but it can also be