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The Hottest Samsung Galaxy Devices You Need for the Back-to-School Season

In classic 2020 fashion, this year’s back-to-school season is going to look a little different – from online lectures to distanced desks and online courses. But if we’ve learned anything from this year, it’s that high-quality tech is a very helpful tool for taking care of business and taking care

Why a Tablet With a Pen Is a Great Device to Help You Be Productive at Home

With the new normal of working from home and social distancing, it can be tricky to strike the right balance between work, personal time and entertainment. Whether you’re running your own independent business, working a 9 to 5 for a corporation, or you’re a freelance artist, the Samsung Galaxy Tab

4 Reasons Why You Need The Samsung Galaxy Note10

There really is no place in the world like New York City.  For the occasions you want to make a splash, you go to NYC or you go home. The Big Apple is exactly where I was headed on August 7th to learn about Samsung’s newest edition to the Galaxy

How I Create A Portable Editing Room with This New Tech from Samsung

No one ends up a freelance videographer by accident. Anyone in the game will tell you it takes hard work, but it also takes a little ingenuity. Making a living as a pro behind the camera is 10 percent capturing content, 40 percent spending time in the editing room and

How The Galaxy Watch Became My Everyday Essential

 When it comes to my personal style, I definitely consider myself more of a simple person. I wear the same earrings every day, the same necklace, and – of course – the same watch. So when I was given the opportunity to test drive the new Galaxy Watch from Samsung,