
Notable Tips for Post Breakup in the City

Notable Tips for Post Breakup in the City

You’ll see us, slowly shuffling down the street, heads bowed, faces blank, with dark circles under our red-rimmed eyes. The angles in our faces and bodies have become more pronounced as we slowly cry away our appetites, leaving us pale...
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What Our Dislike for Others Can Reveal About Us

As young professionals, we are expected to be polite and professional in our dealings with colleagues and acquaintances. We aren't, however, expected to like everyone. While it's perfectly OK to prefer certain people to others, looking deeper at those we dislike can aid in gaining a greater understanding of ourselves
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Do You Kiss and Tell? Young Professionals Weigh In

To tell or not to tell? That is the age-old question when it comes to dishing the dirty details of your dating life to your friends, co-workers and, perhaps, anyone else who will listen. We asked young professionals from across the country to share their insight on whether they kissed and told. Here is what they had to say
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The Importance of Playing Nice for Young Professionals

The young professional workplace, as well as our many social scenes, is made up of all types of characters. We can’t expect to mesh perfectly with every personality, but in order to maintain a professional reputation, sustain the respect of colleagues, and enjoy our daily work, learning to get along well with others is a must
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Stop Shopping for That Significant Other

We used to go out hunting, or shopping, if you will, as one of our beloved (now married) formerly very single girlfriends used to call it. In other words: shameless prowling with an end goal of actively seeking and “catching” that hidden gem of a person to become your new significant other (SO). We admit we probably didn’t realize it then, but we can tell you now that nothing good ever comes from it
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Divorce in Your 20s: A Survival Guide

Divorcing in your 20s used to be a very uncommon occurrence (or at least fewer people would volunteer that info over a glass of Pinot at Happy Hour). Now, though, 20-something divorcees are all the rage. In fact, the median age of first divorce for women in the US is 29. Who knew that I was such a trendsetter!?
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Being Popular on Facebook Comes With Its Drawbacks

Think twice before adding or accepting another Facebook friend. A recent report by the University of Edinburgh Business School found that the larger number of Facebook friends you have, the more likely social media will be a source of stress
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How to Live in the Moment

Some of us would rather save the slow living and moment savouring for retirement. But once a precious moment is gone, it can never be retrieved, and we find that rather, well, depressing. Here are eight ways you can live in the moment
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Why It’s Better To Date A Divorcee

With many young professionals across Canada "settling down" and "tying the knot" these days, there are also those who are walking away from their marriage. For better or worse, these are the facts and this is the reality. Find out what a YP divorcee has to say about the matter and why she think's it's actually better to date one
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What Do You Have to Say For Yourself? Excuses for Cheating

Let’s be honest. Cheating happens all the time in our cities, with the initial seeds of adultery planted everywhere from at the office to the gym or on the Thursday après-work scene. Some stray because they are unhappy or unfulfilled in their relationships, others for no other reason than instant gratification or to fuel their ego. Whatever the case, cheating is cheating. Here are the top excuses to cheating and why they are bogus altogether
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