
How the T Word Controls Your Dating Life

How the T Word Controls Your Dating Life

When it comes to young professionals (YPs) and dating, the t-word is, unfortunately, more prevalent than the l-word.  And we’re not talking about Tinder.  T stands for time (or timing), and it seems to dictate the way we all date...
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Going on a First Date in Your 20s vs. in Your 30s

If you’re playing the dating game, it can be pretty different depending on the decade you’re currently calling home. So we thought we’d break down some realities and expectations of a first date for you just in case you ever find yourself sitting across the table from someone living 10 years ahead or behind
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The Typical Young Professional Dude Dishes the Dirt on Dating

We wanted to know what young professional (YP) guys really think about dating. So when we found ourselves across the table from a single dude we had never met during after-work drinks with friends, we thought we would get the honest dirt right then and there
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6 Signs You're So Over Your Ex

Some exes leave what is left of your heart crushed in a million pieces. Others bruise your ego so bad you mistake it for a broken heart. Some relationships end amicably for no reason other than circumstance. Either way, exes are not always so easy to walk away from… until that magical day that you realize the impossible: you’re over it
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Why The Three Cs Make You a Keeper

I have now dated (or at least gone on a date or two with) all kinds of guys: athletes, nerds, rich guys, poor guys, geniuses, academically challenged and as hippie dippy artsy as they come, as well as painfully type A as the Financial District will breed. One thing I've learned about my perfect match: he must have the 3 Cs
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The Married Man and Women's Intuition

He sat two bar stools away while I killed time between an afternoon media event and an evening holiday party. It was in a bar/restaurant where I am friendly with some of the staff and, on this particular day, was in a passionate discussion with both the bartender and the waitress. A mutual friend had discovered that the guy she had been sleeping with was married
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Aziz Ansari Nails What it Means to Be Single

Actor and comedian Aziz Ansari painted a bleak picture of singledom on Conan not too long ago that we were reminded of the other evening after a tedious text message exchange. On the plus side, it was hilarious, but what’s sad is that any single young professional (YP) can relate
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The Revenge Game Goes Cyber

Wow. Just wow. You’d better sit down for this one. You also might want to grab a bag of popcorn or a box of tissues depending on which way these types of things seems to affect you. Haters gonna hate. But now – haters gonna hate in public
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What Single Young Professionals Need to Stop Assuming About Their Married Pals

While the lifestyle of married YPs can differ from that of their solo-flying comrades, there are certain assumptions that singles often make about their married mates that just aren’t true. Here are a few examples to watch out for
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The Relationship Expiration Date

Society tells us that a successful relationship is one that lasts forever, which means that any relationship that doesn’t last for life is a failure. But what if we acknowledge that a relationship can still be a success even if it doesn’t last forever? Could we accept the notion that some relationships, like milk or bread, have an expiration date, after which the relationship would curdle or go bad?
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