
Comment faire face au rejet professionnel

Comment faire face au rejet professionnel

Vous avez sans doute raté quelque chose à un moment ou un autre de votre carrière professionnelle - que ce soit au cours d'un entretien d'embauche, d’une réunion importante ou dans la gestion d'un projet ou d'un compte important. Vous...
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How to Deal with Professional Rejection

You’ve probably messed something up at one point or another in your professional career – whether during a job interview or important meeting, or in handling a major project or account. It happens, hopefully once and never again. You have also likely thought you had done amazingly well at one of the above, only to be met with rejection, harsh and constructive criticism and perhaps even blatant objections to your work. Here are a few things to keep in mind the next time you face rejection in the workforce
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