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Canada drops out of top 10 in latest happiness ranking

Every year, a little something called the World Happiness Report ranks countries based on how stoked their citizens are on life. The report used data from the Gallup World Poll to score countries based on six factors: GDP, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom and corruption income. Canada has been a mainstay in

Canada among the best countries in the world to raise a child

By all metrics, Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live. We consistently rank in the top 10 for things like global reputation, migrant desirability, overall quality of life. Well, add another to the list. According to U.S. News, Canada is the fourth-best country in the world

Three Canadian cities rank among the 10 most liveable in the world

Calgary, Vancouver, and Toronto are among the world’s 10 most liveable cities. Pour one out for Montreal. This Definitely Conclusive™ fact was determined by the Economist’s 2019 The Global Liveability Index. The survey evaluated 140 cities based on five key metrics: Stability, Healthcare, Culture & Environment, Education, and Infrastructure. Good thing affordability

Want to Start a business? Here’s Where You Should Live

So you want to start a business. Nice. Great! You’re probably well aware that you should give yourself every advantage possible. Beg your friends and family to talk about your venture on social media. A steady diet of tuna and crackers so you have more money to spend on metallic