
Five Ways to Stay “On” Throughout the Event

Five Ways to Stay “On” Throughout the Event

Networking. Whether you love it or hate it, it is an essential part of many professions that successful, connected and driven young professionals (YPs) are a part of. Our cities are almost oversaturated with an abundance of professional networking events...
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Who Are You, Again? How to Deal with the “Name Blank”

We've all been there; that awkward moment where you find yourself locked eyes with someone at an event and you know you know him or her from somewhere, but you can’t, for the life of you, place it…
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The New Power of Body Language

New research now shows that in addition to revealing a certain outward impression, body language can also be used to influence our inner selves; that we can actually manipulate our emotions with our physical body positioning
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Comment faire face au rejet professionnel

Vous avez sans doute raté quelque chose à un moment ou un autre de votre carrière professionnelle - que ce soit au cours d'un entretien d'embauche, d’une réunion importante ou dans la gestion d'un projet ou d'un compte important. Vous avez aussi probablement pensé que vous aviez très bien fait dans l’un de ces cas, jusqu’à ce que vous viviez un rejet, une critique, et peut-être même des objections flagrantes sur votre travail. Voici quelques éléments à garder à l'esprit la prochaine fois que vous ferez face à un rejet au travail
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What Our Dislike for Others Can Reveal About Us

As young professionals, we are expected to be polite and professional in our dealings with colleagues and acquaintances. We aren't, however, expected to like everyone. While it's perfectly OK to prefer certain people to others, looking deeper at those we dislike can aid in gaining a greater understanding of ourselves
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Increase Your Productivity Now, Your Desk Will Thank You

Many people live in a state of organized chaos and that messy desk just may work for you. But other times, it can cause stress as you waste time and decrease productivity while you frantically search through all those papers, receipts and sticky notes for that one containing the information that you need. Here are some pointers.
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You're Never Too Old or Busy to Mind Your Ps and Qs

In this fast-paced, streamlined world of young professionals, where big meetings happen over a five-minute cocktail, emails and texts are sent out on the fly, and nearly every word is abbreviated (let’s not even get into punctuation), it seems that basic manners have been demoted to unnecessary formalities. While using manners does take some extra time and effort, particularly for those of us who have gotten out of the habit, being well mannered is classy, even sexy, and will just never go out of style
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How to Deal with Professional Rejection

You’ve probably messed something up at one point or another in your professional career – whether during a job interview or important meeting, or in handling a major project or account. It happens, hopefully once and never again. You have also likely thought you had done amazingly well at one of the above, only to be met with rejection, harsh and constructive criticism and perhaps even blatant objections to your work. Here are a few things to keep in mind the next time you face rejection in the workforce
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Don't Take it Personally: The Importance of Having Thick Skin

The young professional world can be a fickle, cutthroat place. We are all doing everything we can to succeed and reach our goals, which can obviously create some serious, emotionally-driven competition. Whether at the office or out on the dating scene, it’s survival of the fittest, and having a thick skin is a must if we are to survive the cruel critics and callous competitors
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Hidden Agendas Others See Right Through

There are few things that get under our skin and drive us more nuts than less-than-genuine people with ulterior motives. Hidden agendas, however, find their way into everything from work to friendships and personal relationships. Most of the time, though, they aren’t so hidden. Here’s why you’re not fooling anyone
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