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CASCON X EVOKE: The Tech Event You Can’t Afford to Miss

When it comes to technology, Toronto is undoubtedly one of Canada’s most vibrant, innovative tech centers. So much so, that it’s actually influencing how the city is growing and changing economically. When so many bright, hungry tech experts and entrepreneurs live in close proximity, opportunities to get together to talk

Privacy Experts Say You Should Buy Weed With Cash, Not Card

Putting weed on plastic probably feels pretty cool and progressive. Unfortunately, it can also be very compromising. According to Canada’s privacy watchdog, leaving a payment trail for something that remains banned in most of the world can make your life unnecessarily difficult. “Cannabis is illegal in most jurisdictions outside of

You Could Potentially Be Denied a Loan Because of Your Facebook Friends

The next time you’re purging your Facebook friends, you might want to consider each individual’s financial stability. A paragraph found within a patent acquired by Facebook three years ago states that users could be denied a loan based on the credit-worthiness of their connections online: “In a fourth embodiment of the invention,