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The Ultimate 2020 Mother’s Day Gift Guide

The holiday we know as Mother’s Day in its essence, is a celebration of the nurturers, the givers, the comforters in our lives that we appreciate so much. With social isolation very much in effect, not everyone gets to be with their loved ones, especially if they have compromised health,

More Than 1 in 4 Canadians Consider Ditching Meat From Their Diet

Despite what Instagram may have you believe, currently, only 7% of Canadians adhere to a plant-based diet. But the times they are a-changin’, and in the near future we could very well see beef surpass oil in Industries That Once Made Alberta Great. According to a recent study conducted by Insights

How To Aerate Your Soil Perfectly For Happy House Plants

The vast majority of plant care advice focuses so much on watering that you would think that’s the only thing that matters! Let me introduce you to soil aeration – an important but often overlooked technique in house plant care.   It is generally accepted as good practice for lawn

This New Device Will Let You Charge Your Phone Using an Ordinary House Plant

In what could be a major step towards a global energy revolution, European company Arkyne Technologies, has launched an ambitious energy saving project deemed “Bioo Lite,” a device that utilizes the energy of living house plants to charge smartphones or tablets. Bioo Lite uses the energy generated by photosynthesis. (For those who forget