Pizzeria Libretto

On Our Radar: Pizzeria Libretto is Coming to Downtown Toronto

On Our Radar: Pizzeria Libretto is Coming to Downtown Toronto

By Lisa Lagace Their pizza is already legendary in this city, but Pizzeria Libretto wasn’t content to rest on the success of its West (Ossington) and East (Danforth) end locations.  They wanted to give the downtown core a taste too. ...
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Four Restaurants You Should Never Forget About

It’s hard to keep your taste buds up to date in this city. It seems like every night of the week there’s a hot new restaurant opening up that your mouth won’t forgive you for missing. And as fantastic as it can sometimes be, it’s also not a gamble we’re always up for taking. Sometimes we just want the guarantee of a great meal
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On the Radar: Coming Soon to Toronto's Restaurant Scene

While some may huff and puff at the state of Toronto's restaurant scene, there's no denying that there are notable openings on the horizon. Check out five restaurants set to open in the next few months that are sure to satiate all your cravings
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