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The Perfect Wines to Get Cozy With This Fall

The signs are clear, Canada is slowly but surely rolling back into Stage 2 of the pandemic protocol. Though the ongoing uncertainty has had its own host of challenges to manage, with cooler months ahead of us and patio season on the out, now is a great time to stock

The Best Sips of 2019

The holidays are a time for celebration, reunion and enjoyment. What better way to do that than by a table filled with delicious holiday goodies and bottomless glasses of the year’s best drinks. Sure to get you in the Holiday spirit, here are our top choices for the top bottles

The Colour of Wine

From red to white, to shades of pink and gold, the colour of a wine is part of what makes it unique and beautiful. Even before we smell or sip, we drink with our eyes. The colour of each wine gives insight to its soul and tells us a lot

Notable VINTAGES for the Holidays: Belle Glos Clark and Telephone Vineyard Pinot Noir

VINTAGES offers the world’s top wines and spirits that we know you’d be proud to give, serve and receive. But with hundreds of top-notch choices, where do you start? Don’t worry, that’s where we come in. We’ll be giving you all sorts of holiday season recommendations, starting with the exceptional Belle Glos Clark & Telephone Vineyard Pinot Noir 2013

L’ABC des vins rouges

Êtes-vous de ceux qui déambulez dans les allées des magasins de la SAQ complètement dépassés par toute la sélection offerte? Nous savons ce que c’est et c’est pourquoi nous souhaitons améliorer votre expérience et la rendre plus facile. Le monde des vins est semblable à celui de l’art, il est facile de s’y perdre et à moins d’être connaisseur, il est difficile d’en parler. Et bien, ne vous inquiétez plus. Vous découvrirez ici un lexique des six cépages rouges prédominants, qui vous donnera le vocabulaire nécessaire pour en parler avec confiance.