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5 Tips to Balance Your Day Job and Career Goals

By Ali Daly Remember being a little kid and your parents, teachers, and coaches saying, “You can do anything you set your mind to!” Boy, were they wrong. Turns out that your mind isn’t enough these days to achieve your goals. You need determination, motivation, and, of course, money. Pursuing

11 Signs You’re Well Read

Sure, you like to pick up a book here and there, especially when you can’t sleep or are on vacation. But how well-read are you really? Here are 11 signs you at least know what’s a hardcover and what’s soft

Create a More Creative You

Many perpetually left brain-reliant young professionals (YPs) may boldly label themselves “uncreative.” We don’t buy it; it’s possible that they have yet to explore their creative side to begin with. Not only will tapping into your creative side prove beneficial for business – no matter the industry – it also will offer an outlet from your otherwise fast-paced and consuming city life

The Most Rewarding Trip You’ll Ever Take

You can throw away the terms ‘vacation’ and ‘tour’. What London-based Secret Compass provides are expeditions tailored to providing adventure-seeking young professionals with a more meaningful escape during those precious vacation days

Four Things to Love About Failure

Failure. It’s a word synonymous with inadequacy for many young professionals and a realization that can derail even the most strategic business minds. It’s not all bad, of course, because failure is also a key component of learning. Here are five reasons to bask in the face of defeat