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Pantone’s 2021 Color(s) of the Year are exactly what we need right now

Every year, the colour company Pantone chooses a colour that’s supposed to embody next year’s vibe. This was the year of Classic Blue, for example, which instills calm, confidence, and connection. It was a terrible choice. After the year we’ve head, let’s hope Pantone is a little more Nostradamus for

Pantone Chooses “A Big Hug” as 2019’s ‘Colour of the Year’

Times are uncertain, holiday stress is upon us, and the weather sucks. Which is to say, we could probably all use a big hug right now. That big hug comes in the form of Pantone’s ‘Colour of the Year’ for 2019: living coral, aka Bougie Salmon.  “It’s emotional nourishment. It’s