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Notable Listens: Podcasts to Play for November

The holiday season is upon us. Too early? Maybe, but that’s not stopping us from giving you our top podcasts to listen to while you curl up with some warm hot chocolate. Check out our November list of Notable Listens as the weather gets chillier and the days get shorter. Let

Why ‘Being A Mess’ is So Hot Right Now (And Why It’s Pissing Off Gen Xers)

I have the type of girlfriends who let it all hang out. Sure, they have decent jobs, nice homes, and expensive hand towels (you better believe they’re monogrammed). But beneath their organized purses, symmetrical eyebrows and iron pressed skirts lies a real human, with a trespassing chin hair and a fart begging to

8 Relationship Mistakes Everyone Needs to Stop Making

Relationships. Something we can all relate to. It doesn’t matter what you do, who you are, or how much money you have; we’ve all had good ones, we’ve all had bad ones…and too often we’re all a mess at dealing with them. So whether you’ve gone through a lot of them,