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Clip n’ Cover Helps Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 While Giving Back

Western Alumna, Juliet Young, started Clip n’ Cover last year when she found herself constantly forgetting a mask while out. That was when a unique idea popped into her head. She thought: what better way to ensure that your mask is always at your fingertips than to have it attached

Brightening Up with Shy Wolf Candles Founder, Julie Klukas

It’s really an incredible thing to watch collaborations come to existence, but especially in a year like 2020, where small business needs more support than ever. Sustainable, delicious-smelling, fairly priced and gorgeously branded, Shy Wolf candles stand to be a trailblazer in the world of luxe but responsible candle consumption.

This wholesome map shows you where to find Ontario’s best fall colours

Many maps we look at these days reveal depressing information – rate of COVID infections, which counties are voting Trump, that your UberEats delivery is late. But not this one. No, this map here reveals which regions boast the most spectacular fall colours. Right now, for example, at time of