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#NotablePeople: Jennifer Zhang of JENerationDIY

Jennifer Zhang, a YouTuber with a following of over 2 million, wants you to know that you, yes you, can DIY your own successful social media channel with the technology you currently have – no fancy equipment required. We had the chance to chat with her on how she got

#NotableYoungPro: Creative Director and Editor Steven Branco

In a way, Steven Branco’s career chose him. Though he started off his career in a different track, writing always seemed to find subtle ways to weave into his life. For instance, he began a microblog as a way to bring in some side income and also for the fun

4 Reasons Why You Need The Samsung Galaxy Note10

There really is no place in the world like New York City.  For the occasions you want to make a splash, you go to NYC or you go home. The Big Apple is exactly where I was headed on August 7th to learn about Samsung’s newest edition to the Galaxy

NotableYoungPro: Fitness Expert Chris Lewarne

If we could choose Chris Lewarne’s spirit animal, we might choose, “cat” (make that a very fit cat). That’s mostly owing to the fact that he’s lived about 9 different lives, and has landed on his feet with every turn. In a previous life, he was a big wig litigations

#NotableYoungPros: Founder of Evio Beauty Brandi Leifso

Brandi Leifso was 21 and living in a women’s shelter when she developed the concept for her first make-up company, Evelyn Iona, now Evio Beauty. Through tenacity, creative photoshopping and some ingenious thinking when it came to ordering the first round of her products, she was able to bootstrap her