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Chris Yee: Co-Founder and CEO of Brew Your Bucha & The Cocktail Box Co.

At this point in this post-apocalyptic, I mean – “Pandemic” world, we all need a virtual “cheers” with our friends and family to lift our “lockdown” spirits. Entrepreneur, Chris Yee, shows us that yes you can create delicious drinks in your own home – no mixologist or Kombucha connoisseur required.

#NotablePeople Feature: Jaz Fenton, Yellow Beauty

Meet Jaz Fenton: CEO and Founder of turmeric-based skincare brand Yellow Beauty. After facing her own skin struggles, Jaz discovered an age-old solution. Then – alongside her husband and co-founder – she turned it into a thriving biz.  We chatted with Jaz about the beginnings of Yellow Beauty, plus how

#NotablePeople: Jennifer Zhang of JENerationDIY

Jennifer Zhang, a YouTuber with a following of over 2 million, wants you to know that you, yes you, can DIY your own successful social media channel with the technology you currently have – no fancy equipment required. We had the chance to chat with her on how she got

#NotablePeople: Founder of Label 428 Brian Lee

If you’ve ever hovered over a restaurant table full of food that has just arrived and attempted to take the perfect Instagram shot, you know photographing food is no picnic. But to Brian Lee, the founder and CEO of Label 428, it’s just another day at the office. We caught

#NotablePeople: Founder of Happy Tears Brandon Roy

We could also use a little more light and positivity right now wouldn’t you agree? Brandon Roy is the founder, creative genius, and the “Chief-of-Joy” of Happy Tears. With a title like that, you can rest assured he’s in the business of spreading joy every day, no matter what is happening in