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Fitness Guru Carlos Salas on Maximizing Your Morning Routine

How often have you heard someone say, “I’m not a morning person”? It’s a familiar refrain we hear time and time again and it’s something we’ve probably repeated ourselves on more than one occasion. Many of us wake up each day racing against the clock trying to check things off

The 7 Things I Learned From Exercising at 7 AM for a Month

All my life, I’ve always admired those ‘up with the sun’ morning people. Though I do find that I’m more of an early bird than a night owl, a “morning person” is not what I would consider myself. Sleep is pretty much my biggest priority in life and anything that

I Woke Up at 5 a.m. for 5 Days – This is What I Learned

You know what they say: the early bird gets the worm. A 2008 study at the University of North Texas even found that those who rise earlier earned a whole extra point on their SATs. However, I’m usually okay with missing out on the worm and settling for some extra Zs. This

The Struggle Isn’t Real: 8 Tips for Becoming a Weekday Warrior

I often find myself going to war. But this is not the type of war that leaves people laying dead on a bloody field; it doesn’t leave paramedics rushing to the battle in hopes of saving lives; it doesn’t lead to new governments, expansion of lands, or new constitutions.  This is a