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You’re Invited: Ogilvy x Notable Urban Connection Evening

What do you get when you bring Notable together with Montreal’s most luxurious retailer for a great cause? An evening full of amazing fashion, food, and people. [ad_bb1] On September 30th, we’re teaming up with Ogilvy for a shopping evening that will give back 10% of all money made from purchases to

13 Things to Check Out at the Montreal Jazz Festival

The Montreal Jazz Festival officially kicked off yesterday with a scheduled packed with local and international artists and events to really fill your social calendar for the next 10 days. To make your hectic YP life a little easier, we picked a handful of concerts and events that you should seriously find time to check out

Event Recap: An Intimate Concert With John Legend

Earlier this month, the Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF)’s Montreal Chapter held its 37th annual Gala at Place Des Arts, which featured a two-hour intimate concert by nine-time Grammy Award-winning artist, current heart throb, and chart-topper John Legend

Insider Tips to Conquer Grand Prix 2014

As any Montreal Grand Prix vet will tell you, it’s not all about the race. The city comes alive during this eventful weekend, brimming with street fairs, DJ sets, live concerts, Ferrari lineups, foodie kiosks, day parties, night parties, brunch parties, and after parties