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Canadian telcom companies show temporary mercy for customers

It took a global health crisis, but some Canadian telecommunications companies are finally showing compassion to their customers. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, some Canadian internet providers are waiving download caps. It goes without saying that Netflix and Pornhub traffic is off the charts. Meanwhile, Rogers is doing away

Mobile Providers Can No Longer Charge You to Unlock Your Phone

As you’re already painfully aware, being a mobile phone user in Canada is an expensive endeavour. We pay the most in the world for mobile data, are charged exorbitant amount in overage fees, and generally spend more money on smartphones than what any sane person would deem reasonable. While most

Two Major Findings Reveal Canadians are Getting Screwed by Tech Giants

Canada is, by all accounts, one of the most technologically advanced nations on earth. But damn, we sure are paying for it. The Canadian-Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission’s (CRTC) recently released annual Communications Monitoring Report reveals that Canadians are getting priced out of world-class internet access. This is happening in two ways: 1. Low-income

Sadly, The Re-Released Nokia 3310 Will Not Work In Canada

The incredible, indestructible Nokia 3310 that we all owned in the early Oughts was confirmed to be making its return at The Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain on Sunday. The iconic Nokia 3310 is set to be launched this summer but the remodeled version of Nokia 3310  is not going

Canadians Pay the Most in the World for Mobile Data

You’ve probably been sensing it for years, but it’s now official: Canada is the most expensive country in the world to have a mobile data plan. Swedish telecom consultancy Tefficient conducted a survey comparing the monthly cost of wireless service to mobile data usage and came up with the chart below (via