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Mindful Holiday Hacks

It’s official, the holiday season has crept up on us yet again! For those of us who participate in celebrating the holiday season, we will have to endure the pressures of planning holiday gatherings and finding the perfect gifts for your circle of friends. And even if you are separated

4 Ways To Cultivate Mindfulness as Your Superpower

Admittedly, I’m not the most mindful person. I’ve earned the nickname “Fairy” for having my head in the clouds and being a little light on my feet (half present) at times. This lightness, if you will, leads to clumsiness. I spill things often, have nearly hit posts while driving and

#NotableYoungPros: Meditation Mentors Carolyn Plater & Stephanie Kersta

It is no secret that our society is overstimulated, overtired, and over-stressed. Carolyn Plater and Stephanie Kersta have made it their mission to decrease the stigma and increase education by implementing preventative measures to help support mental health and wellness. Through their company Hoame, Carolyn and Stephanie have created a

#NotableYoungPros: Mindfulness Mentor Vince Luciani

It is far from uncommon for individuals sometimes to feel lost, especially those who have focused their entire existence and careers around one thing, such as athletes. It can be challenging to know which way to turn or realize what internally drives us instead of defining our identities by profession.

Questions to Consider Before Embarking on a Meditation Retreat

It seems as though everybody and their mother is talking about meditation right now, operative word being talking. Including every successful entrepreneur, CEOs of enterprise businesses and of course all the yogis. Self-help extraordinaires consistently include meditation in their list of ingredients to becoming “successful”. It’s become quite the popular