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This Is How You Survive a Job That You Absolutely Hate

“Working 9 to 5 just to stay alive.” No, it’s not just a catchy Beyonce lyric. Maybe you’re one of those fortunate folks who managed to snag a high-paying Bay street job right out of university that you absolutely love. Good for you! Unfortunately, for most of us, work is

Why Every Young Professional Needs to Have a F*ck-It List

It’s hard out here for a twenty-something. We get tons of crap for being lazy, entitled, social-media obsessed, you name it. And as a result, many of us feel an immense pressure to rise beyond our stereotype and prove ourselves to the world. Just being gainfully employed isn’t enough anymore.

These Are the Most Popular Food Trends Among Millennials

If there is one thing Toronto millennials love more than anything, it’s a good food trend. From sushi burritos to over-the-top ice cream cones, if it’s something weird and instagrammable, we will get our hands on it. Even if it means waiting in a long-ass line. Unsurprisingly, our neighbours South

Technology is Literally Making Millennials Physically Weaker

If you thought the only long-term consequences of your smartphone habit were a serious case of FOMO and a Tinder addiction, think again. It seems that all those miles we log on our phones swiping left and right are not doing our hands any favours. A study published in the Journal