Mental health

4 Tips to Keep Burnout at Bay: Your Ultimate Guide to Well-being

4 Tips to Keep Burnout at Bay: Your Ultimate Guide to Well-being

Burning out puts you in a hole that is hard to climb out of. The best way to combat burnout is to avoid it in the first place. If you are in a high-stress environment, whether at work or in...
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Mental Health in the Workplace: A Rising Concern

The impact of mental health issues on the workplace has become an increasingly pressing concern, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a significant rise in mental health-related claims among young Canadians, it is clear that proactive efforts are needed to address mental health in professional settings.
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Why you should focus on self-care this Valentine's Day

Self-care was on the rise but mainly considered a luxury, often including things like face masks, bubble baths and decadent, multi-step skincare routines. In this way, it was more of a band-aid solution all about exterior appearances than a necessity or something that pulsed deep in your soul.
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