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How To De-Stress This National Stress Awareness Day

The world has been in flux over the past couple of years with shifts taking place in our lives affecting the way we work and our attitudes towards personal fulfilment and health. Now that many of us have experienced working from home, or even extended sabbaticals from work, we’ve had

7 Wellness Apps To Stay Centred During Covid-19

Have you always wanted to meditate but could never find the time in your hectic day, or simply didn’t know where to begin? In these uncertain times, the opportunity to tap into parts of ourselves that we never knew before is not only possible but also necessary in order to

Mindful Holiday Hacks

It’s official, the holiday season has crept up on us yet again! For those of us who participate in celebrating the holiday season, we will have to endure the pressures of planning holiday gatherings and finding the perfect gifts for your circle of friends. And even if you are separated

Upping Your Meditation Game with Tachyon Energy

I went to my Tachyon session completely oblivious to what I was about to experience. Having heard about its life-changing effects, I was intrigued. Especially for that reason I wanted to be completely open and void of expectation to whatever I was about to experience. While I don’t meditate every day,

#NotableYoungPros: Meditation Mentors Carolyn Plater & Stephanie Kersta

It is no secret that our society is overstimulated, overtired, and over-stressed. Carolyn Plater and Stephanie Kersta have made it their mission to decrease the stigma and increase education by implementing preventative measures to help support mental health and wellness. Through their company Hoame, Carolyn and Stephanie have created a