
Decade-Long Study Shows Most 'Cool' 13-Year-Olds Are Uncool by 23

Decade-Long Study Shows Most 'Cool' 13-Year-Olds Are Uncool by 23

Remember those “cool kids” back in junior high? You know, the ones who dressed like they were in high school, had relationships that involved making out (or more), smoked cigarettes, skipped school, had been drunk before, and who had a...
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13 Things We Wish We Could Share with Our 13 Year Old Selves

Part of the difficulty of growing up is thinking back to how little we knew when we were young. Sure, we’ve come a long way and probably wouldn’t trade our past for anything, but if we were able to go back in time, these are the things we’d say to our younger selves
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8 Signs You’re Going to Be Just Fine

Sometimes even the best of us fake-it-until-we-make it young professionals can find ourselves in a bit of a rut (aka hating life). We may second-guess ourselves, lament about the past, worry about the future, and wonder if we’re really as put together as we think we are. Here are 8 signs you’re going to be just fine
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8 Good Reasons to Get Married After 30

Once upon a time, most of us envisioned ourselves married (or at least engaged) before the age of 30. A lot of our parents were, after all. But times have changed. And you’ve changed a lot since 22, too. Here are 8 good reasons to get married after the ago of 30
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7 Ways to Handle Your Enemy When You See Him/Her Out

If you don’t have at least one person within your city’s social and professional circles that you don’t experience a mutual degree of animosity with, then good for you. Seriously. But most of us have that one human capable of really killing our vibe if we show up at the same event. But why let it ruin your night?
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21 Signs You’re Getting Over Partying

We swore it would never happen. Yet, here we are, choosing sleep over club hopping and good conversation over bottle popping. Yup, we’re finally getting over the party lifestyle, and as shocking as it may be, we’re feeling pretty good about it. Here are 21 signs that you may be over it too
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Going on a First Date in Your 20s vs. in Your 30s

If you’re playing the dating game, it can be pretty different depending on the decade you’re currently calling home. So we thought we’d break down some realities and expectations of a first date for you just in case you ever find yourself sitting across the table from someone living 10 years ahead or behind
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14 Signs You’ve Finally Grown Up

You may not realize it, but you’ve come a long way. Before you feel guilty about getting drunk on the weekend or the fact that your mother’s wish for grandchildren won’t be fulfilled anytime soon, here are 15 signs that you’ve finally grown up. And if you don’t check all the boxes, you’ll get there (hopefully)
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“Why Can’t I Drink Like I Used to?” and Other Complaints About 30

So, you're 30. You have have noticed a new-found inability to drink like you used to, lose weight like you used to, recover from injuries like you used to, and not give a damn like you used to. To try to make sense of the various changes that occur in and around the big three-o, we have once again turned to our favorite young professional MD, Dr. Jamie Rusen
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10 choses que vous ignoriez à 18 ans

Nous aimons penser que nous avons appris une chose ou deux depuis l’époque de notre secondaire. Oh! comme le monde est différent de ce que nous pensions! Inspirés par la sortie de la vidéo virale anglophone du discours de remise des diplômes d’une école secondaire absolument hilarant, You’re Not Special, nous avons souhaité réfléchir sur quelques points de vue sur lesquels nous avons tous (espérons-le) évolués depuis notre implantation dans la « catégorie JP »
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