
Hair & Makeup Pros Show Young Couple What They’ll Look Like as They Grow Old Together

Hair & Makeup Pros Show Young Couple What They’ll Look Like as They Grow Old Together

If this video doesn’t convey the meaning of marriage, we’re not sure anything really will.  But before you watch it, get out the tissue. Created by The Cut, in collaboration with Field Day, “100 Years of Beauty” shows a young...
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Forget Marriage: Common Law is Becoming Commonplace for Millennials

These days, an increasing number of young people are opting to shack up before a wedding – if there is a wedding at all. A growing number are also having children out of wedlock, something that would be pretty taboo in our grandparents’ day
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Apparently Groomsmen Have it WAY Better Than Bridesmaids

From what we’ve been told, the life of a bridesmaid can be pretty taxing – mentally, physically and financially. Especially financially. And that’s really too bad, because at the end of the day, the whole groomsmen gig is usually pretty awesome
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If You Marry for Money, You End Up Earning Every Cent

The option to marry rich is an enticing one for some. Somewhere along the way, life got damn expensive in our cities. We get the appeal. But, really, if you marry solely for money, you end up earning every cent of your lavish life
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Your Ex is Getting Married – And That’s a Good Thing

Sure, it may have been slightly odd when you got the text that your ex was engaged, especially if it seemed to come out of left field. Whether you’re bothered, amused, or plain indifferent by this information, the only thing you should be feeling is glad. Here's why...
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8 Good Reasons to Get Married After 30

Once upon a time, most of us envisioned ourselves married (or at least engaged) before the age of 30. A lot of our parents were, after all. But times have changed. And you’ve changed a lot since 22, too. Here are 8 good reasons to get married after the ago of 30
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16 Places to Host an Engagement Party in Montreal

You already have the ring – hard part’s over. But finding that perfect engagement party spot can pretty stressful and confusing. We’re making your lives a tad easier and have the scoop on the hottest places to gather your loved ones and celebrate
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9 Qualities You Need to Find in the Man You’re Going to Marry

We don’t have to remind the single set of young professional ladies that it seems more difficult than ever in our cities to find a man who’s actually marriage material and worthy of us in our entirety – the good, bad, ugly, emotional, and annoying. Here are nine seemingly simple qualities you need to find in the man you’re going to marry
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Notables to Self: What Makes a “Good” Job in the Context of Romance?

Look, we get it. You only want to be with someone who has a 'good' job. But have you ever stopped to actually ask yourself what a good job is? Is it simply about money, or do morales matter too? If you haven't ever thought about it, start now
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The Married Man and Women's Intuition

He sat two bar stools away while I killed time between an afternoon media event and an evening holiday party. It was in a bar/restaurant where I am friendly with some of the staff and, on this particular day, was in a passionate discussion with both the bartender and the waitress. A mutual friend had discovered that the guy she had been sleeping with was married
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