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Marketing Win: This Powerful Ad is Definitely Worth Your 90 Seconds

Earlier today, we told you about a major marketing fail on the part of a Japanese startup. The good news is that for all the questionable ads we see, there are some truly powerful ones to help compensate. Case-in-point: this commercial for Australia’s Western Sydney University. Far from your typical Abercrombie and Fitch-esque marketing

Report Finds Women Often Pay More Than Men For the Same Products

It isn’t cheap to be female. Our periods alone can set us back as much as $30, once tampons, Midol, and anything else we need to get us through it (see: greasy food) are taken into account. Not to mention, most of us tend to rack up higher bills than our

Is #StonerSloth the Biggest Marketing Fail of 2015?

As Canada blazes forth in the process to legalize marijuana, the state government of New South Wales, Australia is talkin’ sh*t about sloths in a recent wave of anti-cannabis ads reminiscent of Reefer Madness. The NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet’s ‘stoner sloth’ campaign likens young people who smoke weed to

Survey Says: These Are the Three Biggest Brands Among College-Age Women

If you have a university-aged female on your holiday list, you may want to pay attention. Goldman Sachs polled hundreds of college-age women on their favourite clothing brands, revealing three clear winners. Though the results aren’t necessarily surprising, the favourites mark a departure from longtime market-dominators like Abercrombie & Fitch,

Amazon Uses Nazi Symbolism on NYC Subway to Promote New Show

Amazon is pushing the boundaries of when it’s OK to spread Nazi propaganda in 2015. Previously, it had basically been never.  But over the past few days, New Yorkers have been greeted by Axis of Evil symbolism on the 42nd Street subway shuttle, including a Nazi iron cross within an American Flag