
Science Says Being 'Drunk in Love' is a Real Thing

Anyone who’s been in love knows that the euphoric feeling has the power to make you do, say, and feel things you wouldn’t normally. It can consume you like a drug or, apparently, a drink. New research has found that being drunk in love is a real thing
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10 Reasons it’s Amazing to be Single in the Summer

Just because all the handholding couples have returned to the city streets by the dozen doesn’t mean you should be bummed out about your own single status. Here are 10 reasons being single in the summer is the best decision you can make
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The Good, the Bad, and the Awkward of ‘The Friend Set Up’

In our cities, single young professionals sometimes need all the help they can get. And no, we’re not just talking about Tinder. That’s why there always seems to be a friend or coworker who has “just the perfect match” for you. And that’s not always a good thing
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Hair & Makeup Pros Show Young Couple What They’ll Look Like as They Grow Old Together

A new video, “100 Years of Beauty,” shows a young, soon-to-be-married couple how they‘ll look as they live their life together. A team of seriously talented hair and makeup artists recreated the couple’s changing appearance in their 50s, 70s, and 90s
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7 Signs They’re Worth Spending Your Friday Night With

When it comes to dating, there’s a definite hierarchy when it comes to the days of the week – with Friday and Saturday nights being prime timeslots for interested suitors. But you can’t give those precious days of the week to just anyone
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The Quickest Way to a Love Connection: A Speed Dating Night with

Since online dating is essentially a full-time job, we thought we’d help you meet your special someone without having to hire a personal assistant just to filter through profiles and keep up lame back and forth texting that never actually leads to anything. Oh, and you’ll get to meet them IRL (that’s In Real Life for you newbies out there)
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18 of the Most Confusing Questions When You’re in the Relationship Grey Area

Sure, when it comes to dating, there are benefits to the “grey area.” After all, a label-free situation comes with its benefits (aka: the best of both worlds). But it can also be pretty damn confusing. If you’ve been in the grey area, then you can probably relate to these 18 questions
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It’s Not Your Fault: Science Says We’re Wired to Break Up

Here’s some good news for the (often) broken-hearted. Though it may take longer for some than others, new research now suggests humans are programmed to break-up, recover, and move on. It all comes down to evolutionary psychology
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