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LinkedIn Data: Every Canadian’s Dream Job is Working for a Bank

LinkedIn has just published its annual list of companies Canadians want to work at most. I know which kind of jobs you’re probably imagining. Let me assure you that your fantasy is greatly misaligned with the reality of LinkedIn’s data-driven findings. According to “billions of actions taken by LinkedIn members

A 5-Step Guide to Getting Hired After Moving to Canada

Canada has developed based on the principle that it embraces all religions, nationalities, ethnicities, and cultures, and offers opportunities for all those who venture across its borders. This vivid picture is extremely appealing for those looking for a fresh start. While gaining permanent residence and finding a job is no

Most of Our Parents Have No Clue What We Do for a Living

Remember when you were in elementary school and you knew your parents’ job titles, but had no clue how to describe what they actually did? Well, now it seems the roles have reversed. According to a recent LinkedIn survey, most millennials’ parents have absolutely no clue what they do for