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John Oliver Returns to Teach the Divine Art of Re-Gifting

John Oliver’s currently on a two-month hiatus from hosting HBO’s Last Week Tonight. A significantly pressing holiday conundrum, however, has forced him back into the studio to enlighten the masses with a solution. I can comfortably say it’s the most useful holiday guide you’ll read between now and possibly ever. It concerns

John Oliver Discusses the Alarming and Sobering State of Food Waste

We’re not trying to pile onto your Monday blues, but food waste is out of control. A staggering 40 percent of food that is produced in the U.S. never gets consumed. For those that need a better picture of how much that is, imagine 730 football stadiums filled with food. This

John Oliver Absolutely Destroys Whoopi Goldberg on Last Week Tonight

And it only takes a minute. In a video entitled, Whoopi Goldberg Defends 10 Surprising Things, Oliver let’s Whoopi use her own words against herself. And they are some bad words. Sound bites include gems like, “I don’t believe it was rape, rape,” and “I know Mel [Gibson], and I know

John Oliver Hilariously Tackles 15 Topics in 1 Minute

John Oliver and Last Week Tonight have been obliterating institutions on a weekly basis for months now. But they had to take last night off for yet another institution. So Oliver hit Youtube for a special edition webispode that saw him take on 15 topics in 1 minute, rather than spend