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Trump’s racist rhetoric is creating jobs in Canada

Duolingo, one of the world’s most popular language-learning apps, is all about connecting with the world. Donald Trump, president of the country in which Duolingo was founded and is headquartered, has no such ambition. Part of Trump’s ‘America First’ foreign policy means making it more difficult for foreigners to obtain

These are the best places in Canada to work next year

Working is rough. Canadian Millennials are spending more hours than ever on the grind thanks to our wildly unaffordable cities. And that well-deserved vacation? Not if your holiday-shaming colleagues and bosses have anything to say about it. The good news is there are plenty of companies fostering a positive office culture, encouraging

You won’t believe which Canadian city is best for young people to work

Listen up, youths, this is important. It concerns your future. YouthfulCities has just published its inaugural Urban Work Index, a hefty document that scores Canadian cities on how attractive they are for young people (15 to 29) to work. The index uses four key themes – Affordability, Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship

These Are the Best Cities in Canada to Land a Job Right Now

In case you missed it because you were too busy working, Canada is currently bangin’ out jobs across the country. Numbers indicate that our economy is the strongest it’s been in nearly a decade, adding 132,000 jobs in the second quarter of this year alone. Usually, in periods of economic growth,

Canada Just Added a Record Number of Jobs in a Single Month

Canada added the population of a mid-sized city to its job market in the month of April. According to Statistics Canada, 107,000 people found employment last month. It’s the most jobs ever added month-to-month since record-keeping began in 1976. What’s most encouraging is that strong gains were seen among young workers, older workers