Job Interview

Study Finds Going Up a Size Can Hurt Your Job Chances – Especially if You're a Woman

Study Finds Going Up a Size Can Hurt Your Job Chances – Especially if You're a Woman

If you’re in the market for a new job, you may want to spend as much time at the gym as you do on LinkedIn. At least, that’s what the results of a new study would suggest. And this is...
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7 Questions You Should Be Asking in a Job Interview

7 Questions You Should Be Asking in a Job Interview

Your handshake was perfect, the interview went great, and you even had a #humblebrag ready when...
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How to Read People: Knowledge That Can Better Prepare You for a Job Interview

I’ve always been fascinated with interpreting the pre-reflective, non-verbal cues that speak volumes about how people are really feeling. Are you wondering how to tell if a job interviewer is particularly impressed or unimpressed with you? There are some body language cues that may indicate all of these things
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How to Prepare for 8 Different Types of Job Interviews

Expect the unexpected. Job interviews can range from a simple one-on-one meeting to a panel of interviewers, to a formal or informal meal or even an on-the-spot assignment. And that’s only the beginning. Here’s how to prepare for them all
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La chaussure qui dit “dynamisme” dans une entrevue d’embauche

Les chaussures peuvent révéler bien des choses à propos d’une personne et d’un candidat potentiel. Quelqu’un avec des chaussures bien entretenues, stylées et intéressantes pourrait avoir une meilleure chance qu’on se souvienne de lui. ALDO possède cette chaussure pour cette entrevue d’embauche ce printemps pour la ou le jeune professionnel
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The Shoe That Says ‘Dynamic’ at a Job Interview

Shoes can reveal a great deal about a person and potential job candidate. Someone with well-maintained, stylish and interesting shoes just may stand a better chance of being remembered. ALDO has just the shoe for that job interview this spring for the young professional lady and gentleman alike
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