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The Notable First Look of Ato Japanese Restaurant

Omakase is so much more than a meal, it’s a dining experience. An intimate exchange between chef and customer that has not been possible under the pandemic lockdown. Ato Japanese Restaurant launched in the middle of the pandemic and although their takeout sushi sets look divine, the staff have been

Edmond Dang’s Meaningful Jewelry Brand, KOZAI Design

After Edmond Dang graduated from Western University at the start of COVID-19, his plans to travel and experience different cities and cultures came to a halt. As a result, he switched gears and injected his love of culture and deeper meanings into his debut brand; KOZAI Design. What made you

Stop Everything and Download This Secret Emoticon Keyboard on Your iPhone

The last wave of new emojis was cool and all, but this here is real keyboard magic. All hail the Japanese Kana writing system, which comes neatly packaged as a downloadable keyboard on your iPhone. It features a fantastic collection of Kana symbols paired with standard English characters to form

Video: This is What Japanese Students Think of Canada

It’s always amusing to see what people abroad think of first when they’re asked to define Canada. Some, of course, simply see us as America Junior, while many are only familiar with tired stereotypes like that we all live in igloos and say “eh” at the end of every sentence. [ad_bb1]