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If Your Love Life is in Shambles, Stop Ignoring Your Intuition

One of the biggest (repeat) mistakes I made in my dating life was ignoring one of the most powerful and poignant tools that most astute and emotionally in-touch women are armed with: intuition. It is that innate feeling when something is wrong or “off” – perhaps inspiring us to research

Financial Intuition: Do You Have It?

Let’s face it, money isn’t always easy to talk about and, in the realm of adult responsibilities, financial literacy may be something that seemingly evades our concrete understanding until later in our twenties. Think about the last time you checked your mobile banking app, did you feel any mounting anxiety?

Things You Should Know by Heart

Most YPs probably don’t even know their significant other’s cell number. Shamefully, we recently forgot two good friends’ birthdays because we did not have them on Facebook. There are, however, a few things that we should have memorized in this day and age, either in the case of electronic failure, theft or simply to make our lives easier