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38 Ideas To Inspire Your World Kindness Day Celebrations

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop The world could always use a little more kindness – and what better excuse to spread some than World Kindness Day? Celebrated on November 13, this day is meant to inspire people to be a little kinder,

5 Tips to Help You Get (and, More Importantly, Stay) Motivated in 2017

Already broken one (or all) of your New Year’s resolutions? You’re not alone. Last year, a survey by Ipsos found that 30% of Canadians made annual self-promises, but more than 70 per cent inevitably broke them. So we’re thinking, screw resolutions! Let’s just set ourselves up for success by setting

The 6 Best Places to Go in Toronto to Get Inspired

Taking the plunge and moving to the big city can be both the best and worst thing to happen to your professional career. On the one hand, you’ve got ample opportunities and a plentiful network right at your fingertips. On the other, you’re a tiny little minnow who barely knows

This Backyard Library Retreat is Basically a Book Lover’s Paradise

In these over-stimulating times, it’s not easy to find a place where you can read a book in total peace. But, as reported by Mashable, one vacation home in upstate New York houses a little black cabin that’s basically a book-lovers’ dream. The cabin, built by Studio Padron, is designed