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#MeToo: What To Do If You’re Being Sexually Harassed In The Workplace

Over the past few weeks, it’s been almost impossible to find a news publication that hasn’t covered the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Famed Hollywood producer and studio executive Harvey Weinstein was formerly known as someone who could ‘make or break’ an actress’s career in Hollywood. It was Weinstein’s name and production

Why Everyone Should Follow the Taylor Swift Groping Trial

Yesterday, Taylor Swift made headlines for something other than her award-winning music or her love life and sparked an incredibly important dialogue in the process. Monday marked the first day of Swift’s groping trial against former DJ David Mueller. Swift alleges Mueller slipped his hand up her dress and groped

New App Will Let TTC Riders Discreetly Report Harassment

There’s some positive news from the TTC. No, seriously. The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is currently developing a new app that lets riders instantly report harassment on subways, streetcars, and buses. The app will allow anyone who witnesses or are victims of harassment to take a flash-disabled picture of the

You’re Not Being Cute: Stop Telling Women to Smile

Since childhood, one of my biggest pet peeves has been being told to smile. I never cared if it made me “look prettier.” Or happier. If I felt like smiling, I would be smiling. I always found it so annoying to be ordered to smile in an “I’m not a