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Canada is Heating Up Twice as Fast as the Rest of the World

The Canadian government released a report yesterday that reveals some pretty alarming discoveries about the rate of global warming in our country. Namely, that Canada is heating up significantly faster than the rest of the world. And yes, it’s “driven by human influence.” “Both past and future warming in Canada

Greenland Melts, The Rest of the World Sinks

In June we posted a piece encouraging young professionals to use climate change as inspiration for innovation. Couple weeks later we put out this piece, giving locals some immediate inspiration, about Toronto Island sinking because of climate change. Well if you still needed inspiration maybe you should check out the

Feeding Cows Seaweed Could Drastically Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By now, we’re well aware that the burps and farts of cows are a key contributor to climate change. But a P.E.I. organic dairy farmer has made a simple discovery that could have a major impact on the reduction of greenhouse gasses worldwide. In an effort to save money on

The UN Says 2016 Will Likely Be the Hottest Year on Record

From last winter’s unusually bearable temperatures that made sweatshirt-only skiing a reality, to this summer’s sweltering heat, it was pretty impossible not to notice that 2016 was a lot balmier than usual. Well, the United Nations weather agency, the World Meteorological Organization, has confirmed this, saying that 2016 will “very

July Was the Hottest Month Ever Recorded on Earth

It’s been one of those summers that makes air conditioning a deal-breaker, a two-block walk unbearable, and swimming pools turn lukewarm. Which is to say, it’s been hot AF. July 2016 will definitely be remembered as the summer of the perpetual heatwave. It’s been so hot that, according to NASA,