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Why So Many Millennials (Myself Included) Absolutely Hate Their Jobs

“I hate my job.” “I should just be thankful I have a job.” It feels like every day, I fluctuate spastically between one train of thought and the other. On my way home, I sit on the subway pretending to look out the window, though the opaqueness indicates it’s 10pm and

Millennials, Get Off Your Damn Phones and Start Having Sex Again

When it comes to hot, young bodies, Millennials are choosing to spend them in less primal ways than previous generations when they were in their fucking prime. According to heaps of data and expert opinion presented by the Washington Post, Millennials are about as enthused by sex as a penis

Big Data: 7 Ways Millennials Are Significantly Different Than Their Grandparents

It’s incredible how much can change in just 50 years. The Pew Research Centre has crunched some numbers to illustrate just how much we Millennials differ from our grandparents, measuring everything from marital status to the likeliness of going to war. In reporting on the societal, cultural and economic shifts

8 Reasons Why This is the Best Generation Ever to Be Single

A lot of people like to talk about how terrible it is to be single these days. We’re not so sure they know how good they have it. Being single as a millennial in 2015 has its challenges, of course – careers often take precedence over dating, being an odd