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American Girl IS Decades Late Releasing Its First Male Doll

American Girl is making headlines for doing something that other brands did over 30 years ago, and we think it’s unfortunate that it took American Girl this long to do it — to add a male doll to their collection. The newest addition to the American Girl collection is Logan Everett,

Boy Scouts of America is Now Open to Transgender Children

As the United States takes one giant leap backwards, the Boy Scouts of America are moving in the other direction. Effective immediately, transgender children who identify as boys will be allowed to enlist in its programs. “For more than 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America, along with schools, youth

Forget Male and Female: Tinder Now Has 37 New Gender Options

Tinder is by no means an instrument of social progress, but a recent update by the swiping app is a refreshing step forward. Users in the Canada, the U.K., and the U.S. now have 37 new gender options to help them identify beyond just ‘male’ or female’. They’ll also be

Washrooms Across the GTA Are Starting to Ditch Gender Designations

A growing number of progressive organizations are jumping on the gender-neutral bathroom bandwagon. Back in March, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) announced gender-neutral bathrooms and other prominent Greater Toronto Area (GTA) organizations are beginning to follow suit. Addressing thousands of staff at his annual kick-off to the school year, Peel

You Won’t Need to Identify By a Gender on an Ontario I.D. Next Year

The province of Ontario is about to make an important change when it comes to personal identification – and one that’s a sign of the times. As of early 2017, Ontario residents who don’t identify as exclusively male or female will have another option on their health card and driver’s